make beautiful websites in hours

Rails Elements is a ruby on rails UI library for developers who want to finish projects faster. This template offers prebuilt pages, reusable rails components, JS scripts for the front-end and animations

Rails Elements logo

4 hours for a landing page

10 hours for other pages

2 hours for animations

6 hours coding the front-end

repeat = hours

There's faster way

Rails Elements - Rails components library | Product Hunt

design 2x faster your projects

prebuilt pages and components
50+ components & pages ideal for making your projects and launching your start-ups
JS scripts for front-end
some components need JS to function correctly, you don't have to worry about it with us.
Around 30 CSS animations for your rails websites
SaaS template
Ruby on Rails SaaS template with payments, SEO, PostgreSQL database, .env file and google OAuth


  • Rails Elements 1.0
  • Reusable components
  • Animations
  • JS scripts for front-end
Design 2x faster


  • Benefits of the starter plan
  • Rails SaaS template
  • Lifetime updates
Design 2x faster
Rails Elements logo

Save 100+ hours on your projects

Rails Elements is Ruby on Rails UI library for developers who want to save 100+ hours making their apps

Design 2x faster